

By Becky: We had a wonderful night at anchor in Thurston Harbor and had planned on visiting Tanu and then heading to Hot Springs with a plan of stopping at Hlk’yah GawGa which means Falcon Town also know as Windy Bay on the way back North due to tide timing.  We reevaluated the plan and decided to go to Windy Bay after all.

The watchman at Windy Bay told us about when he had been one of the over 200 people (along with 5 Haida elders) arrested for protesting the clear cut logging on Lyell Island in 1985. He gave great details of how the protests led to the co-management agreements between Haida Nation and government of Canada and the creation of Gwaai Hannas. He also told us about the huge celebration when the Legacy monumental pole was erected in 2013.

We then took a walk through the old growth forest that is known for a 1000 year sitka spruce tree that is over 200 ft tall.  The path led us through huge sitka spruce and western red cedar trees that we continually had to just stop and appreciate.  It was such a magical day!

We spent another extremely peaceful night at Murchison Island Cove.

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