

By Becky – I don’t have words to express how much I enjoyed Haida Gwaii and Gwaii Hannas. It is a magical, sacred place full of history, culture and amazing nature.  We were able to explore part of Graham Island and all 5 of the Watchman sites.  Each one was different and enchanting in its own way. All of the watchmen were very welcoming and full of information. I could have stayed and listened to each one for over a week and it still would not be enough!

Our entire trip has been blessed beyond our imaginations!  It started with a crossing of Hecate Strait that was crazy calm and flat in waters that ranged from 40 to 300 feet deep!  We were able to squeeze into a spot at the fishing dock in Daajing Giids with the help of a local fisherman. The harbor master office closed at 2:00 so we were pretty much on our own.

The first 2 days we rented a car and drove to the orientation at the Heritage Center and wandered through the museum. Then we headed to Masset for a hike up a boardwalk trail around Tow Hill and down to a blow hole. It was beautiful. We drove through Masset and Old Masset and then stopped at Sarah’s gift shop in Old Masset.

The next day we explored Daajing Giids got provisions and had dinner at the Blacktail Bake and Brew Cafe. We sat at the bar for dinner and Paul ended up sitting next to Chief Skidegate. He is the head Chief over about 15 other Chiefs. He drove us around and showed us several poles he has put up in the last several years and gave us additional information about Haida culture.

The tall pole is one of the first ones installed after the ban on Haida culture was lifted.

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