

The cold water of Queen Charlotte Sound is creating morning fog and not inspiring me to swim. Inspite of the ambivalence of returning from the wonders of Northern BC, we are a little excited at returning to warmer waters. We are still hanging with Puffin and we left Sointula this morning and had a foggy trip towards Echo Bay to see Billy Proctor.

Yesterday we left Port McNeil and the engine sounded loud. Becky and I both looked to each other and we decided to return to North Island Marina. I had just changed the oil, with a different brand of oil, so decided to change it again. I went back to the store and they credited me with the oil and the price of the new. Fortunately it helped. Got to Sointula and Sam had a visit with Gardner Diesel guy, very interesting to visit with. Then we walked up to Tim Motchman’s, who we commissioned two carvings last year. It was nice to see him and his garden. Great visit with Joe and Sam on Puffin, Tim, his wife and a friend. Interesting day….
So passing through the Broughtons and thinking about blasting Johnstone Strait tomorrow to get to Desolation Sound.
It would be nice to go for a swim.

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